Influences on taking part in Sport

- The main factors that affect participation and involvement.
-Usually those who enjoy participating at a young age will continue that sport when they get older.


i) Family

-children frequently take part in the same sport as their parents, they also often follow the same sports and support the same teams.
-growing up with family members who take part in physical activities, means you are aware of these activities from an early age.

ii) Peers

-Influenced due to the same age group.
-It is much easier to succeed in an activity with the encouragement and support from friends.
-If your friends play a sport, you might get involved too.

iii) Role-Models

-These are the people whose actions get emulated by others(copied by others)
- Role models are in constant media spotlight which leads them to inspire others to take up the same sport.


i)Media Coverage

-a lot of media coverage can make a sport more popular and encourage people to take part in it.


-Activities require the right equipment so sometimes fashionable equipment becomes popular due to the media or due to the endorsement done by sportspeople.


i) Disability

-A person's disability will affect their choice of activity. 
-More disabled people are getting involved in physical activities now due to the opportunities available for disables people.
-However, these resources are limited in terms of the activities local families offer.

ii) Age

- Some sports have a age restriction for competition to avoid unfair advantage or risks. Age can affect performances and participation.
- Work and family responsibilities can affect the choice of physical activity for many adults. (also health problems)


-Most exclusive male sports have started to disappear.
-However, some sports still do offer more opportunities towards one gender.

iv) Race

-Choice of physical activity affected due to your ethnic background

i) Location

- Whether the facility is too far away or not

ii) Availability
- Is it available to be readily used by everyone?

iii) Access
- Is it easily accessible?
-Can you get there by bus, train easily?

iv) Time
- Will it be open in holidays for kids and in evenings for adults?


i) Illness

-Those who are ill cannot take part

ii) Health Problems

- Some who suffer from particular health problems eg asthma cannot do a lot of running.


i) Cost

- Are the facilites expensive to book
- Are the equipments expensive? eg Golf

ii) Status

-current situation or position in family or society


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