
Showing posts from May, 2017

Muscle Contractions (Isomertric and Isotonic)

Isotonic Contractions: -Muscles can pull but they cannot push so they must work in pairs to create movement. - An isotonic muscle contraction occurs when a muscle contracts and works over a range of movement. Isotonic Contraction creates movement. It is muscle contraction that results in limb movement Isometric Contractions: - occurs when muscle contracts but stay in a fixed position. eg plank Isometric Contraction results in no movement. It is muscle contraction that results in increased tension but the length does not alter, eg when pressing against a stationary object


Warm Up: - gradually raises body temperature and heart rate - improves the exchange of oxygen from haemoglobin - prevents injury - practice skills before a performance. Has 3 stages i) Pulse Raiser ii) Stretching - static and dynamic stretching iii) Drills specific to your activity

The principles of training

FITT IN SPORT principle Frequency : - how often you will train Intensity: - how hard you will train Time: - for how long will you train Type: - with what training methods will you train. IN Individual Needs: - Matching the training to the requirements of yourself. - You cannot follow an elite players training session as your body wont be able to do what they can do. - Differs from Specificity principle as Individual Needs is about the person and Specificity is about the sport. SPORT Specificity: - has to be specific to your sport - matching the training methods to your sport Progressive Overload: - gradually increasing overload so as to gain occur in fitness without the risk fo injury Rest: -The time allocated for recovery Recovery: - the time required to repair damage to the body caused by training or competiiton. - to allow adaptions to take place. Reversibility: - gradually losing fitness instead of progressing or staying at the current l

Skill Related Fitness Tests

i) Illinois Agility run - measures Agility over a course which makes you change direction many times. ii) Standing Stork Test - measures Balance iii)Sergeant Jump Test - measure Power in the legs iv) Standing broad jump - measures Power in the legs v) Ruler Drop Test - measures Reaction Time vi) Three ball Juggle - measure coordination vii) 30 metre sprint test - measures speed

Health Related Fitness Tests

i) 12 minute cooper run test - measures cardiovascular fitness - Running for 12 minutes continuously on a treadmill or outdoor and measuring the distance ran. ii) Harvard Step Test - measures muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness - Going up and down on boxes continuously for a period of time and measuring recovery rate. iii) Hand-Grip Test - measures muscular strength iv) Sit and Reach test - measures flexibility of the hamstrings

Skill Related Fitness

i) Agility - the ability to change the position of the body quickly and control the movement of the whole body. - Basically, the ability to change direction quickly ii) Balance - the ability to retain the centre of mass above the above the base of support with reference to static or dynamic conditions of movement, support and orientation iii) Coordination - the ability to use more than two parts of the body together iv) Power -The ability to undertake strength performances quickly. Power = Strength * Speed v) Reaction Time - the time between the presentation of stimulus and the onset of movement. vi) Speed - the differential rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time

Health Related Factors

i) Cardiovascular Fitness - the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time without getting tired. ii) Muscular Strength - the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance iii) Muscular Endurance - the ability to use voluntary muscle many times without tiring. iv) Flexibility - the range of movement possible at a joint v) Body Composition - the percentage of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone. - measured using BMI (Body Mass Index)

Initiatives in Sport

Initiative = the ability to think of and follow through an idea or plan of action. Initiatives: i) get more people involved in sport - for the physical, mental and social benefits of taking part in sport - increases levels of fitness and health. - leads to a healthier nation. ii) retain more people in sport - to maintain their fitness and health - to let them take on other roles. how? - through an effective network of clubs and good facilities. iii) create opportunities for talented performers

Reasons for changing from one role to another

 Opportunities to take part in sport shows the different types of roles availble for someone in a physical activity : Opportunities to take part (click here) Changing from one role to another: - can keep people involved in sport for a long time. Reasons to change: - no longer able to play due to an injury - tried it but didn't like it - tried it but wasn't good enough to play it - wants to be involved in this sport because they like it.

Opportunities for taking part in Sport

i)Participant ii)Leader iii)Official iv)Volunteer i) Participant: - Natural Ability is fundamental - needs to have a sound knowledge of the game, tactics and rules. - needs to be motivated and determined for success. - needs to have good fitness and ability. ii) Leader: -Needs a lot of skills - needs to have a sound knowledge of the game, tactics and rules - needs to be able to analyse performance and improve based on the analysis - needs to have good communication skills and organisation - needs to be a good communicator and have the patience level to handle everyone. iii) Official: -Needs to be fit - needs to have a sound knowledge of the game and rules. - needs to be confident and fair - needs to have patience iv) Volunteer - Doesn't need to know how the game works but it is always to good to know. - needs to be well organised - needs to be able to spend time in their spare time for this. - good communicator and good patience.

Influences on taking part in Sport

- The main factors that affect participation and involvement. -Usually those who enjoy participating at a young age will continue that sport when they get older. PEOPLE i) Family -children frequently take part in the same sport as their parents, they also often follow the same sports and support the same teams. -growing up with family members who take part in physical activities, means you are aware of these activities from an early age. ii) Peers -Influenced due to the same age group. -It is much easier to succeed in an activity with the encouragement and support from friends. -If your friends play a sport, you might get involved too. iii) Role-Models -These are the people whose actions get emulated by others(copied by others) - Role models are in constant media spotlight which leads them to inspire others to take up the same sport. IMAGE i)Media Coverage -a lot of media coverage can make a sport more popular and encourage people to t

Why Physical Activity brings about benefits

Increases Fitness - can be achieved through  a good plan of exercise or by  playing sport - Muscles are more toned due to being strengthened and flexible - Expends energy which uses up calories which leads to controlled weight loss Helps the Individual feel good - To feel good = releasing serotonin - Serotonin is a hormone which literally makes you feel good     - If you look good, you feel good. To relieve stress and tension     - provides a complete distraction from the hardships of life for a while. - Although exercises cannot solve problems, they make the problems easier to face by providing a complete distraction for a while. - helps you relax and reduces the chances of stress-related illness. To increase self esteem and confidence     Many activities provide a physical challenge, completing this challenge gives a sense   of achievement, this increases self-esteem and confidence. To improve health - Physically fitter means you can cope better when

Healthy Active Lifestyle

A healthy active life is a lifestyle that contributes  positively towards physical, mental and social wellbeing and includes regular exercise and physical activity. Physical Aspect: - good physical health - physical challenge (Can I do it?) - Increase fitness - Increase performance - Improving Health related Factors and Skill related factors - Lose weight Mental Aspect: - Relieve / avoid stress and tension - Mental Challenge - Increase self confidence/ self esteem - Help the individual feel good (serotonin) - Contribute to the enjoyment of life - Aesthetic Appreciation - Physical Challenge (because when you are working physically harder, you need to be mentally tough to keep going) Social Aspect: - Mix with others - Make new friends - Meet current friends - Develop teamwork and cooperation - Work with others